Liquor Control Board Opposes Renewal of Olney Steak and Beer License

Harrisburg – Octubre 24, 2016 – The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board’s (PLCB) Bureau of Licensing announced that they are opposing the renewal of the license for Olney Steak and Beer based on complaints raised by residents, according to state Sen. Art Haywood (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery).

Haywood said that neighbors of the establishment, with the assistance of his office, submitted more than 30 letters to the PLCB complaining of harassment, drug dealing and nuisance activities. Olney Steak and Beer is located at 5606 North Broad Street.

Haywood issued the following statement concerning the LCB’s action:

“The LCB heard us. When we stand up for each other we can win. More work remains, but the LCB’s objection to the liquor license is an important step for taking back our neighborhoods. I ask Myung Kim, President of Olney Steak and Beer, to join us and stop being a haven for crime and nuisances. ”

Olney Steak and Beer recently put up no loitering signs after learning about the complaints, Haywood said.

A hearing to decide on the ending the liquor license will be scheduled by the LCB.
