Harrisburg – Diciembre 6, 2016 – State Sen. Art Haywood (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) released a statement today in strong support of a new national initiative called “The Progressive Economic Blueprint for States” which is aimed at creating economic opportunities for working families, smarter investments and expanding access to the middle class. 

Haywood said that the blueprint is intended to outline an action plan for state policymakers for the first 100 days of the Trump administration and beyond.  The senator said that he intended to support the elements of the plan not only for the “first 100 days, but for all days after because the plan makes expanding the middle class and working families a priority.”

The plan includes broad outlines: “Ensuring Economic Opportunity for All Americans,” “Supporting Working Families,” and “Leveling the Playing Field.”   The strategy also features specific policy initiatives such as investing in the infrastructure, equal pay for women, raising the minimum wage and the elimination of subsidies for companies that ship jobs overseas, among others. 

“The Progressive Economic Blueprint for States” was unveiled at an event in Washington D.C. today.  Haywood, along with 400 lawmakers from across the nation, participated in a two-day conference examining state policy development.  The blueprint was sponsored by the State Innovative Exchange.

Haywood’s comments follow:

“The plan represents the kind of broad program that can be supported not only in the first 100 days, but for all days after because it makes expanding the middle class and working families a priority.  The blueprint is a step forward and that includes provisions for economic growth, job creation, inclusive economy, tax relief and fairness for everyday people in the work environment. 

“This is an important step forward, but what I will not accept is an attempt to reverse field away from policies that enhance economic access or equity.  These have been earned.  I will strenuously resist any actions taken during the first 100 days or thereafter by the Trump administration or state policymakers that undermine the middle class or those most vulnerable.

“The blueprint is an important policy guideline for decent jobs.  Our energy should be focused on raising the minimum wage and delivering many of the elements of the plan that must be sustained for the long haul.  The blueprint is comprehensive, specific and detailed, so state lawmakers will have a clear and defined roadmap for delivering progressive policies that help people.” 


Download the “The Progressive Economic Blueprint for States