Senator Art Haywood sent the following letter to the PA Interscholastic Athletic Association, Montgomery County District Attorney, Pennsylvania State Police and the Human Relations Commission requesting an immediate investigation of the incident that occurred against Cheltenham High School students:


I write to obtain an immediate investigation of the incident that occurred against students at Cheltenham High School (CHS). On Viernes, 6 Octubre, CHS cheerleaders were taunted with racial epithets, including “nigger,” during a high school football game at Quakertown High School. As the cheerleaders left the stadium, they were met by middle school students who threw rocks at them on the bus. 

In the two weeks since, more than a dozen news pieces have drawn attention to what happened that evening. This morning, the Philadelphia Inquirer had an in-depth follow-up story on the front page of its regional coverage. While this account has been highly publicized, this is just one incident among far too many that go un- or under-reported.

Discrimination and intimidation based on race cannot be permitted in Montgomery County or any place in the United States of America. Well beyond the most basic issues of sportsmanship, there is no excuse, in 2017, for any individual to deploy the kind of vile, dangerous behavior that was directed at Cheltenham’s students. An investigation into this incident is necessary to ensure those involved are prosecuted appropriately

Please keep me updated on the status of this matter. Should you wish to speak with me further, please contact my office at (215) 242-8171.



Senador Art Haywood