State Lt. Gov. Mike Stack (D-5) and State Sen. Art Haywood (D-4) are working together to educate others on commutations and the process of wiping convictions off a person’s record. They spoke at an event at LaSalle University.

As of Enero 31, 2017, the state of Pennsylvania has a total lifer population of 5,746 people with the average maximum sentence length being 16 years.

“A lot of folks out there have changed their lives, and are worthy of a second chance and a lot of us are trying to figure out how we give them a second chance,” said Stack, who is the chair of the Board of Pardons. “The amazing thing about the board of pardons is that we have the ability to recommend to the governor a commutation of people who would have been in prison for the rest of their lives had they not changed.”

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